Datasets (Optional)

Datasets is one of our more advanced features. It allows you to curate and clean your data to produce a table that will work better with Athenic AI. To use this feature, you will need to be proficient in SQL.

For Enterprise Users

We offer 3 hours of free consultation to set up your datasets. This will ensure you have the best possible experience with Athenic AI.

Common Uses

  • Joining tables (Athenic AI can do this in the query but you may want to join only certain columns)

  • Filtering columns

  • Renaming columns

  • Ensuring data consistency (i.e. California -> CA)

The datasets feature is available from step 2 of the project creation or editing process, Data Prep.

Click the second tab labelled Datasets and you will see a button labelled Create Dataset. Click the button to create a dataset.

Now you are on the create dataset page. You can view your available tables on the left and can click them to open up a list of their columns and their types. In the center is a SQL editor that you can use to create your dataset.

You can run your dataset creation SQL in the editor and your resulting table will display in the section below. When you are satisfied, add a dataset name in the field at the top left, and then save your dataset.

Your dataset will now appear in a list under the Datasets tab. You can select it and it will be added to your selected datasets on the bottom left. You can combine multiple data sets and tables to form your project.

Last updated